6 Common Mistakes People do in “Life in the UK test”

By Annam on Dec 11, 2021
6 Common Mistakes People do in “Life in the UK test”

What is the Life in the UK test?

In order to become a British citizen, the Life in the UK test is one of the requirements. This test demonstrates the candidate’s grip on English as well as their knowledge of British lifestyle, customs, and traditions. The sole purpose of designing the life in the UK test is to check if the candidate is eligible. Life in the UK test comprises questions related to British law, customs, and every other aspect that can demonstrate whether the applicant can adapt to the British lifestyle.

Life in the UK mock test was first introduced in the year 2005. Fun fact, it was named “Life in the UK test” later in 2007 by the government. Ever since any foreigner or immigrant who wishes to settle in the UK and become a British citizen has to take and pass this British Citizenship test. Note that, even if you have passed every other requirement you will have to pass this test.

Preparing for the Life in the UK Test:

Before preparing for the test, understanding what kind of questions will come in the test is very important. This is so you don’t make any errors. So, life in UK test comprises of four types of questions.

1. Selecting one correct option (out of four)

2. True or False (Select the statement you think is right)

3. Select the correct statement.

4. Selecting two correct answers (according to you)out of four 

In order to pass the test, you will have to score 75% marks i.e., answering 18 right answers out of 24. On passing, you will be given a ‘unique reference number’.

Life in the United Kingdom - The Official Study Guide:

“Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide for New Residents 3rd Edition” is the official handbook for preparation of the test. You can also take life in the UK practice test to be prepared beforehand. Be sure to read the questions calmly and understand them before answering or choosing the correct option.

This handbook consists of five chapters:

1. The values and principles of the UK

2. What is the UK?

3. Illustrious History of the UK

4. Modern and Thriving Society

5. The UK government, law, and your role

Passing life in UK test is a compulsory requirement for everyone in order to become a British National. Yes, obviously with so much at stake comes mental stress. And stress leads to panic thus mistakes and errors in the test. So first and foremost, don’t panic! There are various mistakes made by candidates on the British Citizenship test, be sure to take the test with a clear head and avoid mistakes. Let’s have a look at the most common ones.

Common Mistakes People do in Life in the UK Test:

Following are some of the common mistakes made by candidates during life in the UK test.

1. Wrong Birth Place

2. Confusion between “First” & “Last” names

3. Mixing up the passport number and the identity number

4. Losing the already passed life in the UK test.

5. Stress and Panic

6. Not being well prepared.

Now when booking for your Life in the UK test exam, be sure to avoid these mistakes and errors.

1. Wrong Birth Place:

In case you are wondering, Yes, it is possible!

Your birthplace is a piece of important information, make sure you put in the right place of birth for your Life in the UK test. Keep in mind that writing the wrong place of birth can lead you into big trouble.

2. Incorrect First & Last Names:

Putting in the incorrect first and last name is one of the most common mistakes made by the applicants. Note that when booking for the test, firstly you will be asked for your Last name or surname and then you will be asked for your First name. Don’t mix them up! Life in the UK test is a mandatory step towards British Citizenship, don’t lose your chance over such an error.

3. Inputting the incorrect Passport number:

When you are booking for the life in the UK test, you will be asked for the ‘passport number’. Now often candidates mix up passport numbers and Identity numbers, leading to errors. When booking the test, make sure you are writing the correct Passport number instead of your identity number.

4. Lost the ‘Passed’ Life in the UK Test:

If you have already passed your life in the UK test, Keep it safe! In case you misplace yours, contact the home office.

5. Stress and Panic:

Yes obviously, when you are applying for something as huge as British Citizenship, you stress! The problem is that if you are stressed you make mistakes, leading to problems with the application. Panicking is not going to do you any good. So, relax!

You can divert your mind onto achieving your goal. Make a plan, cram the whole study guide, fill out the life in the UK practice questions, be prepared! Because it is a huge deal, which is why you will have to plan ahead.

6. Not being well prepared for the test:

Life in the UK test comes with an official study guide for preparation. It comprises detailed UK history, law, and customs. All the test questions are based on the content from this study guide. As mentioned before, the life in the UK test is compulsory for British settlement applications. This is why you have to be well prepared for the test, and you can do so if you go through this study guide (also available online). Make a full-fledged plan, take life in the UK practice test, be ready!

Eligibility criteria for Life in the UK Test:

If you fall under the age group of 18-65 you can take the test. But there are some exemptions like you won’t need to take the test if:

- You are below 18 or above 65

- You have a chronic (long term) mental or physical medical condition. In which case you will have to attach a letter from your physician.

- You have already taken and passed the test before.

How to book the life in the UK test?

You can book the life in the UK test online via the official website. You will have to book the test online at least 3 days in advance. The life in the UK test fee is £50. In case of retaking the test, the candidate will have to book and pay for the test again. Note that, if you fail you can retake the test after one week (seven days).

What if for some reason I cannot take the test?

Sudden circumstances arrive, it’s understandable. This is why if you cannot take the test you will need to cancel it at least 3 days before the test date. 

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